Online Gaming Reviews - Four Of The Very Best

How do you spend your time on the internet? It's an endless question that we always seem to be asking ourselves as we seem to find it harder and harder to justify what we do and how we spend our free time. We can have as much music at our fingertips that would rival the best Dee Jays in the world, software to mix it with, the list goes on and on, We also have social media sites a plenty to keep us occupied, Facebook, to keep up to date with our ever expanding list of friends and to find out the latest gossip, and Twitter, for our short snappy one off remarks known as tweets. Gosh wouldn't you just rather get away from all this relax and jump into some online gaming reviews, think it might be a lot easier on the mind and a whole lot more fun? Yeah, me too. Let's dive in and take a look shall we, here's our four of the very best.

Armor Games

This is a wonderful site that appeals to every game nerd out there. They offer free access to users of the most popular games online including strategy games, shooters, arcade and sports also in the mix.

New Grounds

Known for having one of the very best animation and Flash games in the industry, they carry a grand selection of adventure and action titles right the way through to adult only themes. Music content is also featured and for those of you into forums, you'll find some very lively and engaging players for you to chat with.

Addicting Games

Addicting Games has to make our online gaming reviews, being owned by Nickelodeon. We were all once kids and grew up with Nickelodeon so it holds a dear place in our hearts even though still geared to the teens it doesn't mean it's not good, it is!


Our online gaming reviews would be incomplete without PopCap, the creators of Bejeweled3. They just have ten titles at present, but quality is the key which is present in abundance. Enjoy!